Tacoma Trestle Track & Signal

The Tacoma Trestle Track and Signal project is a collaborative effort between Sound Transit, WSDOT, and the City of Tacoma to build a new bridge supporting double tracks and a passenger platform. The project consisted of the demolition of an existing single-track railroad trestle and the construction of new tracks and a crossover track, signal upgrades, roadway improvements, wetland mitigation, landscaping, utility relocation, and erosion control. The new bridge will support increased passenger and rail capacity along the corridor. The 650-foot-long passenger platform will connect to the north side of the tracks and the existing Sounder platform.

1 Alliance performed construction site surveying for utilities, trestle structure staking, wall staking, and platform staking. The survey team monitored surface, structural, and utility settlement points during and after pile driving operations and performed field mapping of as-built conditions.

Project Details


Sound Transit


Tacoma, Washington


2016 – 2018

Project Gallery